Sunday, February 28, 2010

Water Management Including Micro Irrigation

Water Management Including Micro Irrigation
1. Water Resources & Irrigation Development in India and M.S
2. Sources and Functions of Water
3. Classification of Soil Water or Kinds of Soil Water
4. Absorption and Movement of Water in Soil
5. Forces Causing Water Movement and Retention of Water in Soil
6. Soil Moisture Constant
7. Available and Unavailable Soil Water
8. Absorption of Moisture by Crops
9. Factors Affecting Absorption of Water
10. Methods of Soil Moisture Estimation Methods : Laboratory & Field
11. Evaporation, Transpiration, Evapo-transpiration and factors influencing ET
12. Water Requirement and Irrigation Requirement
13. Quantity of Irrigation Water or How Much to Irrigation
14. Devices Used for Measuring Irrigation Water
15. Criteria for Scheduling Irrigation or Approaches for Irrigation Scheduling
16. Simple Technique for Scheduling Irrigation
17. Methods of Irrigation- Surface, Surge, Subsurface, Sprinkler, Raingun Sprinkler
18. Micro Irrigation
19. Irrigation
20. Sprinkler Irrigation
21. Systems of Sprinkle Irrigation
22. Components of Sprinkler Irrigation System
23. Irrigation Efficiency
24. Water Conyenance Efficiency and Water Use Efficiency
25. Frequency of Irrigation
26. Water Quality Parameters
27. Factors Affecting Frequency of Irrigation
28. Common Problems that Result From Using Poor Quality Irrigation Water
29. Quality of Water from Different Sources
30. Definition of Drainage, Causes of Water Logging Effects of Bad Drainage
31. Type of Drainage
32. Agro Technique under ill Drained Soils, Reclamation of Damaged Soils
33. Study of Water Table
34. Type of Land Requiring Drainage
35. Material used Drip System Design
36. Definitions and Terms used in Irrigation

Friday, February 19, 2010

What is

What is is the website developed by well educated agri professionals having very deep knowledge and good background of agriculture. These professionals are having the educational qualifications from Diploma in Agriculture to Ph. D in Agriculture.Agriculture science is connected to the various sciences as botany, dairy science, social science, economics, pathology, engineering, food science, soil science & chemistry. This are also called as the branches of agriculture. And we are having the team specialist for each and every branch. Our Vision:To create the My Agriculture Information Bank this will provide all type of agriculture information at anytime at anyplace and at free of cost.Our Mission:To provide all information related to agriculture at one spot i.e. My Agriculture Information bank.Our Objectives: Encourage peoples to read about agriculture science by provide free online quality agriculture information. To create the one spot agriculture information center. Educate: Educate the peoples related to the theory & practical of agriculture by creating one spot information center for agriculture. Develop: Develop the condition of Agriculture in India with the help of our educated peoples. Empower: Ask to peoples to empower farmers to go for new techniques. To provide free information to the agriculture professionals at anywhere and at anytime whenever they required. Provide readymade study materials to the agriculture students, etc…By,Team Agriinfo